from the Atonement-Our Savior’s Chimes Messenger

chimessFaithWorks continues forward in many ways. The most significant development for Atonement and Our Savior’s is certainly that we have begun worshiping together. This is directly a result of our FaithWorks partnership. Emmaus and St. Andrew have been worshiping together through the fall, and recently even had a joint annual meeting, though they did meet separately for part of the meeting.

Each congregation is asked to re-ratify our covenant as we continue to explore the vision plan that has been put forward. The vision is bold. It will likely take some time to get where we are going; we will have changes and hurdles to cross; but the next step is to have conversations in our congregations and councils so that everyone understands the implications of the plan.

An annual report for FaithWorks has been prepared and is available in the narthex. There will be a retreat for church councils and the FaithWorks Mission Council the Friday and Saturday after Easter.

We will have a FaithWorks Passover seder on Maundy Thursday and a special service at St. Andrew on Good Friday.

We will begin to receive and ELCA grant of $32,000 for 2014 to help support our partnership and we have been invited to apply for additional funds in 2015. One of the roles supported is that of a new communications coordinator for the whole partnership. We have also applied for a Wheat Ridge Foundation grant to support nutritional programs found across our partnership.